
Kevlar® for Military Protection


Protecting our protectors—from head to toe, mounted or dismounted—DuPont provides material science for personal protection including military armor


The men and women of our armed forces volunteer to defend our nation; they steel themselves for sacrifice. Duty, honor, country, courage, commitment – all are values they embrace. DuPont salutes their service and their values. We believe these men and women should be protected in battle with the best equipment America can provide. Our scientists, engineers, and business professionals are committed to making products that help protect our protectors—the volunteer warfighter. They carry a heavy enough burden, so we must lighten their loads with innovative technologies and materials for military body armor, combat helmets, vehicle armor and more.

Supplying the U.S. militarywith critical materials is our heritage. They were our first customer in 1802, and we are proud to still call on them as our customer. Today, products made from DuPont™ Kevlar® and DuPont™ Nomex® fiber are used in military body armor, helmets, flight suits and chemical protective suits.

Our core value is safety; our core mission is to help bring them home safe.

Military body armor

Military personnel rely on Kevlar® body armor and flak jackets made with Kevlar®

Brave Americans serving in every branch of the armed forces since the 1970s have depended upon body armor and flak jackets made with Kevlar® fiber to help protect them from combat hazards.


Serving those who serve our country means providing them with the protection of the original ballistic fiber—DuPont™ Kevlar® fiber for military soft body armor. Invented and made in America. Battle-tested from Fallujah to Helmand.


Military helmets

Military personnel rely on helmets made with Kevlar®

Military helmets made with Kevlar® fiber have helped save thousands of military lives from a range of threats.


For warfighters, dodging bullets, shrapnel and explosions is a regular part of their day. Military helmets made with Kevlar® fiber have helped save thousands of military lives from a range of threats.


Military vehicle armor

Military personnel rely on helmets made with Kevlar®

The same properties that make Kevlar® a trusted fiber for use in personal body armor help make it a natural choice for vehicle armor systems.


Military and police forces count on their training and equipment when completing a mission. That’s where spall liners, metal backing, stand alone protection, spall blankets and RPG nets made of DuPont™ Kevlar® come in. Vehicle armour systems made of Kevlar® brand fiber are among the lightest, most durable, reliable, flame-resistant, heat-resistant and high-value choice for tactical and combat vehicles, ships, airplanes and helicopters.


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